June 2024
Archaeological work at Billet Road
Last year Redbridge Council granted planning permission for enabling works to take place to prepare the site for new homes to be built. The enabling works cannot commence until the Environment Agency have granted a permit. This remains the case.
The enabling works planning permission also has a number of other conditions which need to be discharged. Condition 7 requires Bellway to submit and secure approval for an archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation (WSI). This is a standard planning condition and has been partially approved by Redbridge and the GLAAS (the archaeology arm of the GLA).
To fully discharge the condition, a series of on site investigations are required to take place which comprise archaeological trenching. This is to assist in identifying whether the site has the potential for archaeology. The trenches are required to be between 0.3m and 0.9m deep.
The locations of the archaeological works are outside of the confirmed area of landfill contamination. The trench locations form part of the partially approved Condition 7. Bellway want to reassure the community that there will be no impact upon the landfill contamination.
The works are scheduled to commence on Monday 24th June and are expected to take one week to complete. Once these works are concluded, the results will then be submitted to Redbridge Council to meet Condition 7 of our planning permission obtained last year.
Bellway will then continue to satisfy the remaining planning conditions and the enabling works will only begin once we have received our permit from the Environment Agency as agreed.